Red Crescent Faces Mecca
This is just too uncanny to be a conincidence.

Image thanks to: Etaoin Shrdlu of LittleGreenFootballs. (See comment #291).
Here is the opinion of bluemerle 9/10/2005 01:05PM PDT
"The north/south east/west axes of theGoogle map the of flight 93 crash site line up with the pdf. map of the memorial site.
That's three maps so far, so maybe the "p*ss poor geography" commenters will reconsider.
It's pretty clear that by accident or design, arms/talons of the crescent are reaching from Mecca along the qibla, and that at the peak of the crescent of trees points right back to mecca.
- and the "star" vistors will also be on the path of the qibla.
I wish they would please pick another design without these elements so directly associated with the 19 murdering cretins and their stated goals. "
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