The Abolishment of the USA--It's happening before our Eyes
Ladies and Gentlemen,
In five years, the foundations for the removal of the three soverign nations of Mexico, Canada, and the US will be in place if certain officials in those three nations have their way. I cannot, in good conscience, permit them to create our three seperate nations into one continental nation. I am an American citizen, and I will remain so until my death.
I begin to agree with those who say we are facing the beginning of the end; it may be that this single country of "North America" may be one of the 10 kingdoms prophesied during the end times.
As a Christian, I counsel my fellow believers to be diligent and bold. Eventually, a one world government will come to pass, but we have an obligation to warn those around us. If you know anyone in the media, please, have them get on the air and talk about it.
If you are reading this and are not a Christian, or are a Christian and are not familiar with the Bible, the establishment of a one world government is a precursor to the end of the world. Those who lead the one world government will do everything in their power to destroy any who believe in the One True God, and they will deceive many.
I counsel you, read the Bible now, cover to cover; memorize as much as possible. Then be good Bereans and test it to discern the truth; if I am lying or deceiving, then what I warn you about will not come to pass, and if it does come to pass, the government will be benevolent.
But I am not lying, nor deceiving any of you; I merely attempt to get a warning out to the public before it is too late.
Thank you for your consideration.
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