Power Wheel!
No, not the power wheel toy you're thinking of!
The Power Wheel!

Here's a pic of what it looks like.
No, I didn't order one directly through lifeline; I actually found one in a store. I've been using it for the past few days, and it's awesome; you really can feel your abs stretch.
I had been looking to update my exercise program (which was previously something like walk-once-or-twice-a-week-do-occasional-situps--um--yeah). But I wanted something that would be fun and cool and not a lot of work
Well. It's fun.
It's cool.
But it is work.
Granted, you're exercising with a wheel, which is always interesting. But it is still work.
Look for a non-speel update coming shortly.
If you want to check it out, go here:
you will have to scroll to see it.
I found it at a store called "Body Dynamics"; if there is a location in your area, they should carry them.
You can use it on both your hands and your feet.
You just grab the handlebars with your hands.
And you strap your feet in with the straps and stirrups.
What's really fun is the alligator walk; it's a challenge, but I want to master it.
BTW, thank you for responding; it's always a pleasure to get a non-spam response. :-)
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