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Oyarsa's Observances

This blog is created for my random thoughts and opinions. Conflicting opinions are always welcome, but comments or remarks left in a disrespectful or distasteful manner (to be determined by myself) will be either ignored or deleted. This blog has a zero-tolerance policy for spammers. Don't waste your time, spammers, go elsewhere.


"Oyarsa" for those who don't know, is the name of an archangel (or "god" with a little 'g') in C. S. Lewis's Space Trilogy. I liked the character, so I stole the name. Who am I? I am a library science student in Illinois who has a variety of interests--too many to list! I have worked in libraries for five years and counting.

Are you a good person?

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Another Semester is Over!

Now, if I could just get someone to rock this chair that I'm sitting it. And hum a lullaby, and give me a massage until I fall asleep, and continue all three actions for eight hours, that would be much appreciated.

Any takers?


Blogger Oyarsa said...


Please refrain from sending unsolicited promotions to this blog. Particularly when you are unwilling to provide your credentials.

As happy as I am for this stock opportunity, this is not the place for such an announcement.

If your unsolicited offer is not removed within 5 business days, I will remove it myself.

Sun Aug 21, 03:46:00 PM 2005  
Blogger Oyarsa said...

You get spammed too? Nice to know I'm not alone in the world.


Mon Aug 22, 05:53:00 PM 2005  

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